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Campaign Blog 
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Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:33 pm
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Post Campaign Blog
I'm working on getting all the games I've run with my groups posted on the website below, and trying to create a database of everything they've encountered. The website is actually really cool, I think.

I've got the first two game sessions from my Saturday Night Group up, they are both in 1 game day. All of my future updates will be made here: ... y-survival

If you have a problem getting to it, I can repost it here.

Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:48 pm
Playtest Survivor
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
Hullo, Scrump,

Scrumptrilescent wrote:
I'm working on getting all the games I've run with my groups posted on the website below, and trying to create a database of everything they've encountered. The website is actually really cool, I think.

I've got the first two game sessions from my Saturday Night Group up, they are both in 1 game day. All of my future updates will be made here: ... y-survival

If you have a problem getting to it, I can repost it here.

Sounds like an interesting site, and looking forward to seeing it. When I tried to access the site, the system told me that I don't have permission to go there. Can you fix that up for us, please? ;)

"There's a village of Mongrels just over that hill. We need supplies, but remember that it's not just the outside that has been altered..." - Jediah Kane, traveller

Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:25 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
Sorry about that. Should work now...

Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:34 pm
Playtest Survivor
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
Hullo, Scrump,

Scrumptrilescent wrote:
Sorry about that. Should work now...

Still not working, telling me that I'm not authorised to access the page. :(

"There's a village of Mongrels just over that hill. We need supplies, but remember that it's not just the outside that has been altered..." - Jediah Kane, traveller

Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:43 am

Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
So, I've found out what's wrong. You have to register with the website, then join the Saturday Night Desolation group. On the right hand side you will see a block called "Group Books." A Diary of Survival is where I'm posting games. Who's who and what's what is a compendium, of sorts, of all the things the players have encountered (including cities, NPCs, creatures, etc...)

If it doesn't work this time I'll post it here and go hunting for another website.

Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:12 pm
Playtest Survivor
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
Hullo, Scrump,

Scrumptrilescent wrote:
So, I've found out what's wrong. You have to register with the website, then join the Saturday Night Desolation group. On the right hand side you will see a block called "Group Books." A Diary of Survival is where I'm posting games. Who's who and what's what is a compendium, of sorts, of all the things the players have encountered (including cities, NPCs, creatures, etc...)

If it doesn't work this time I'll post it here and go hunting for another website.

I'd actually appreciate it if you'd go hunting for a different website. To be perfectly honest, I don't want to have to subscribe to another website dealing with rpgs, given how many of them I'm already a part of. It comes down to the idea that if you really want to have other people readily access the game material for the sake of seeing it and hyping the Desolation stuff, then please put it somewhere folks can just get to it. A personal website would be best, methinks. :)

(Eventually, I may get around to this sort of thing myself, but for the moment, posting the game sessions up to my blog is good enough.) :)

"There's a village of Mongrels just over that hill. We need supplies, but remember that it's not just the outside that has been altered..." - Jediah Kane, traveller

Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:25 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
Actually went hunting after I posted that. I think I've found one to use. Just have to get it all converted over. I didn't realize the one I posted everything to was going to be so tedious.

Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:36 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Campaign Blog
Day 1: Strange Awakening

1st Game Session

Players: Aka and Ping

After both a physically and mentally exhausting night, the players controlling Ping and Flanel are handed slips of paper with the following written on them:

Aka – As you awake, you find your self in pitch black. Stagnant air and musk fill your nostrils. The butterflies in your stomach from flying through the air seem to have been relieved by a soft landing on a fleshy surface. Except for short warm bursts of air from below you, the cold is nipping at your skin. You are too preoccupied with the fleshy mound under you to hear anything around you.

Ping – As you awake, you find your self in pitch black. The cold stone like floor has given quite a beating to your backside. The dry air chokes your throat as you breath in shallow breaths, heart still racing from running from the Brotula. The smell of stagnant air fills your nostrils. You hear panicked movement in the room; it sounds like it is coming from all directions.
Several slips of paper are passed back and forth, as the players are not allowed to talk to each other or give away their actions.

Moments later, and after much shuffling, Aka is knocked out rather quickly by something or someone.

Ping manages to find a doorknob and slips down the hall. Once she leaves the room and the other player is assumed dead, I begin play without note passing. Some twenty feet down the hall she discovers another door, which is slightly cracked, she sees light. Carefully nudging the door open, she sees a room with an over turned chair and papers lying about. A hooded lantern is sitting on a desk in the corner of the room. She quickly grabs the lantern and makes way for an open door on the opposite side of the room.

Stumbling her way to a cafeteria she manages to find a knife and a frying pan. As she starts to leave the area she notices a rather large spider in the corner. Ducking under the spider and running back down the hall she came from, closing doors behind her; she finds herself back in the office with no way out. Taking a deep breath, she creeps back down the hallway to the room in which she began.

Peering through the door she notices a rather badly burn humanoid mounted atop a desk gnawing on Aka's fingers. In hopes that the man is still alive she charges the creature. With an extremely lucky strike, she lodges the knife into it's skull and if falls limp. With no way to help the man, she wakes him hoping he knows how to take care of him self.

Regaining consciousness, the two introduce them selves and try to figure out what happened. They agree that working together will be the best way to get out of wherever it is they are, never mind figuring things out.

After searching much of the complex they determine that they are in an abandoned mine. They come across many locked doors and a large set of double doors, slightly opened, which tracks go under from a maintenance room. They decide not to go through the double doors; as they would most likely lead further into the mine.
In their search they manage to arm themselves with another knife and a pickaxe. Aside from those; they found matches and some gold coin, quickly scooping it all up.
In continuing their search they make their way back to the cafeteria where the spider attacks once again. Aka draws a blowgun from under his cloak and quickly dispatches the spider while Ping is virtually useless. Aka immediately goes over to the carcass and starts inspecting it while Ping looks for ales, wines, and alcohols of all sorts.

With a fruitless search on both of their parts, they continue exploring. In an office they find a ring of keys and start to go back through everywhere they had been checking on locked doors. Behind which they found a tool bag, a shovel, a crobar, and a hand full of nuts and bolts.

Heading back towards the cafeteria area, they notice another path they had not followed. They decide to take it, which leads them a short way down to a locked door. Turning the key, they find them selves in what seems to be a lobby with a set of stairs going up. As they approach the stairs they see that, about half way up, the walls have fallen in on it - there is no escape.

2nd game session

Players: Aka, Ping, Abaddon, and Helter

After some time of debating whether or not to attempt to clear the rock; Aka and Ping hear shouting and crashing from the room with the large doors leading deeper into the mine. They run off in a hurry to inspect.

As they come through the door way they see a dwarf covered in tattoos and a human wearing all stripes crouched behind a broken down mine cart facing the doors which are now slightly more opened. Seconds later two Deep Horrors come crashing through the door in search of the two. The dwarf pops up from behind the cart, short sword in hand and attempts to hold his own. The other man grabs rocks from the mine cart and begins heaving them at the chitinous creatures with little luck. Aka and Ping quickly come to the aid of the two. The dwarf takes several hits from the Vitiates, but manages to remain coherent. Aka yet again proves his worth and dispatches one of them nearly immediately.

Once the dust settles, the dwarf introduces himself as Abaddon, and the human as Helter. The four of them head back to the lobby to look into the situation with two more sets of eyes. Abaddon explains to them, after a short time, that if they start pulling stones out of the way an entire mountain could fall on them. With that in mind they turn to their only option, hoping there in an exit at the other end of the mine.

As they step through the large doors, now nearly shattered, Helter notices some coat on the wall and immediately leaves his striped uniform in favor of the coal-covered jacket.

Passing through two large rooms, strictly following the rails for the carts, they come to a rather steep grade. The rails continue down the path and a few empty carts are sitting near the edge of which the grade begins. The group begins to debate whether or not it is a good idea to climb into the carts and push them down the ramp. Helter offers the idea of pushing an empty one down first, as there would be two more left. While no sound of collision makes it's way back to the group they hear a dull sound, which they argue is some sort of breaking mechanism. Still, they decide it probably safest to just walk the path.

Fifteen minutes pass of walking down the ramp they hear the sound of wheels rolling behind. Jumping off to the side just as two carts come speeding down the ramp. They take seconds to gather themselves, and Abaddon hears skittering from the direction they came. The group runs full steam down the path.

Reaching the bottom of the path they enter a rather large chasm, which has a large opening at the opposite end, leading outside. Carts full of coal and diamond are dotting the room. As they run into the room, they hear a much less dull sound, glancing over to see a troll grabbing for another empty cart to toss. Aka tries to run and shoot, but is terribly distracted. Helter and Ping begin grabbing rocks from the carts to throw and Abaddon closes in on the troll, until the group remember the skittering behind them, and in which case, choose to keep running.
As they slide through the opening they hear another loud roar, but do not look back until they are well away from the mine - near a fork in the road. After determining they are no longer being followed, they chose to follow the road they deem as west. After a few hours of hiking, getting as far away from the mine as possible before dark, they bed down for the night.

Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:39 pm
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